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The development of new fitness equipment is technically very complex. Numerous factors play a part in the development, if the fitness machine is to convince later on the market. This is not just about the processing, the durability and the functionality, but also about the adaptability to different body shapes and weights.

For this reason, DHZ Fitness has acquired a 3D scanner, which will raise the concept of fitness equipment to a new level. This is to further improve the development and simplify it in the long term. The 3D scanner comes from Artec, a company that specializes in high-quality scanning technology. The scans are quickly created, colored and high-resolution, making them versatile.

The Artec Eva 3D scanner is state-of-the-art, and the scanner has recently been used to create the first 3D portrait of a US president. Barack Obama was measured with the Artec Eva 3D scanner to make the portrait. The result is convincing.

DHZ Fitness is sure to enhance the ergonomic planning of fitness equipment by the purchase of this 3D scanner. In the future, the crosstrainers and power units can be even better adjusted to the athletes, the training can be even more efficient. We are looking forward to the next generation of DHZ fitness equipment!

최첨단 3D레이저절단기 11대 보유  

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