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DHZ의 18만평방미터 생산공장신축현장


2016년 12월현재 확장공사중인 18㎡생산공장이 일부 완료되어 활용되고 있습니다.

New production halls are currently being built for DHZ Fitness in China. These are already finished in the carcass and are approaching faster and faster. A few of the new production halls are already in operation, including two powder coating plants recently installed.

In the photos we were able to make on site in September show the new gangway. How impressive the production halls are, can be seen if you look at the size of the photographed truck, which can be seen from the gangway.

The gangway was specially designed for visitors and is designed in such a way that two halls each with 60,000 m² of production area can be viewed. The great advantage of this design is obvious: visitors can visit the new plant of DHZ Fitness without affecting the complex work processes.

Overall, the gangway will have a total distance of about 2 kilometers. To ensure that the tour does not take too long, e-bikes will be available later. However, fitness enthusiasts will like to do without it and consider the route rather as warm up.

We look forward to the completion of the buildings and will publish more pictures on occasion. Inquiries can be made at any time to DHZ Fitness via our contact page.

최첨단 3D레이저절단기 11대 보유  

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DHZ Fitness Equipment

Address: Shandong Ningjin Mountain Road



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한국모바일 : 010-7639-1950 (카톡:higgsbike)

이메일 : jayhyoun@naver.com

담당 : 신부장 (주의 : 해외출장중에는 전화를 받지 못합니다. 이메일로 연락주세요.)


상호 : 힉스바이크 / 대표 : 신재현 / 사업자등록번호 : 288-37-00381 / 통신판매 : 제2017대구수성구0773호 © Copyright 2016 - DHZ Fitness Equipment - All Rights Reserved