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DHZ의 제품은 TÜV Stress 테스트를 성공적으로 통과했습니다.

The DHZ Fitness brand exists since 2002 and is one of the biggest producers of commercial fitness machines in the world with an annual turnover of approx. 100 million USD. The units were initially sold in Asia, South America, the Middle East and Africa. Since 2015, DHZ Fitness has also been marketed in Germany and Europe. The company SUPERSPORT Fitness GmbH, which is located just outside of Berlin, where DHZ Fitness is also a partner, has great plans for the future. With the current product range, DHZ Fitness offers several series of power units, functional training towers and plate-loaded power units. Starting with the FIBO 2017, a comprehensive cardio range will complement the portfolio. In order to underline the quality of the fitness equipment, the equipment offered should be subjected to a stress test. In August 2016 TÜV Austria finally passed the test according to DIN EN ISO20957 / 2, which is the voluntary European directive for stationary power units. The TÜV Austria in Vienna was particularly interesting as a partner because it has a special test procedure: a robot for stress tests under real conditions. Within the scope of this fully automatic test, the fitness equipment is checked for your durability and safety. Thus, the seats of the equipment during the TÜV test weighing more than 500 kilograms, separate hand grips with the leg press with more than 250 kilograms per handle.

This intensive load can be used to simulate numerous training units in one run. DHZ Fitness’s strengths then had 100,000 repetitions with a full weight stack, 80% of the way, simulating years of use.

The DHZ devices passed the stress test with flying colors, the many thousands of repetitions were hardly noticeable to the high-quality processed devices.

“This test confirms our expectations and reflects the high quality standards of our equipment. The result is an important proof for potential customers, as we do not have many years of references in the market in Europe, “said David von Hase, Supersport Fitness’s operating director.

He explained why the TÜV test for the company was so important: “Some owners of fitness studios had concerns about durability. We can solve this concerns without doubts. ”

“We are especially enthusiastic about the good condition that our devices are still able to perform after this test,” explains David von Hase.

Supersport Fitness will exhibit the test samples in the company’s showroom. Also at FIBO 2017 the test samples are presented, so that all interested persons can get a picture of the high load forces that acted during the test on the fitness machines.

최첨단 3D레이저절단기 11대 보유  

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상호 : 힉스바이크 / 대표 : 신재현 / 사업자등록번호 : 288-37-00381 / 통신판매 : 제2017대구수성구0773호 © Copyright 2016 - DHZ Fitness Equipment - All Rights Reserved